Frequently Asked Questions
What is Milk n' Honey - Honeycombs?
Honeycombs is an art collection generated on the Ethereum blockchain.
Was AI used to generate the art?
No. The artist has precisely designed an algorithm to generate each honeycomb with a set of pre-defined random traits.
Is this the genesis collection?
Yes. This is the artist's first collection.
Will this collection ever be migrated or relaunched?
No. The collection is permanent and singular. It will never be diluted with a relaunch or migration.
What does mint mean?
Minting is the process of generating a new Honeycomb on the blockchain. It is a transaction that exchanges a payment currency, like ether, for the digital art.
How do I purchase?
Honeycombs will be available for mint until all 10,000 are sold out. You will need a pre-funded Ethereum wallet to mint.
How many can I buy?
Each wallet can mint up to 5 honeycombs.
Where should I confirm the authenticity of my generated Honeycomb?
Please visit the view page of this website. Third party providers may have to update their metadata to reflect revealed Honeycombs.
Why can I not see the revealed Honeycomb after minting?
Please wait approximately ~15 minutes for the randomization process to complete. If you are the most recent wallet to mint, you will also have to wait for the next mint to occur. For advanced users only, you may resolve the epoch yourself by calling the resolveEpochIfNecessary function on the Honeycombs contract.
Is this an investment?
No. Honeycombs is and will always be a collectible. We do not guarantee any returns or ownership in future endeavors by the artist or the Fellowship. Please do not buy Honeycombs for investment purposes and do not have expectations of any profits. This purchase is equivalent to buying a piece of art. Any statements made by collectors, influencers, or anyone else other than the artist are not representative of Milk n' Honey and should not be relied upon.
Is there a royalty fee?
An optional 5% royalty fee will be set on all secondary sales. As a collector, you can choose to opt-out of the royalty fee on your marketplace of choice.