Milk n' Honey

A generative art collection representing a potential that is often unseen, dismissed, or ignored but continues to shine through the cracks. Eventually, as it reveals itself, it melts everything away in its warm and sweet embrace, carrying all into the land of plentitude and beauty. A place where no one is forgotten, where life works for all, and where we fall in love with its dance and song. Simply put, it is an invitation to peace.

The mint is simple.

Opened on September 28th, 2023.
0.1 ETH each.
10K total supply.
The fellowship receives 20% of proceeds.
Every 100 mints, one is reserved for the artist and the fellowship each.

The art is authentic.

Remember, art gallery visitors can enjoy art without owning it.

For the best viewing experience, open the honeycomb and click to start the animation.

Each honeycomb will vary by a few traits:
canvas color, base hexagon, fill color, stroke width, shape, rows, rotation, chrome, and animation.

The tech is solid.

Each honeycomb is a fully onchain, animated SVG. You have complete ownership. A handcrafted algorithm generates a unique set of traits at the time of mint. Due to the nature of randomization on the blockchain, each one of a kind honeycomb will reveal itself ~15 minutes after minting.

"You are searching the world for treasure, but the real treasure is yourself." - Rumi